What Should I Expect On My First Visit to PRC?


Visit to PRC

You recently had sex and you’re concerned.

Maybe you’re experiencing some early warning signs that you might be pregnant. Maybe you’ve even missed your period.

Or, after sex you’ve developed an itch and think you may have caught something. Maybe your partner tested positive for Chlamydia and you’re concerned you might have it too.

Whatever the reason, you’re thinking it might be a good option to schedule an appointment at PRC just to make sure everything is okay. You’ve heard good things from a friend about PRC, but you’re just not sure what to expect and you’re a little scared to make the call. We understand. Many clients have told us they weren’t quite sure what to expect before they came in that first time. We thought it might be helpful for you if we share a little about what you should expect on that first visit to PRC.

Expect Friendly

At PRC we use the phrase “You Matter” quite a bit. We use it not as a catchy slogan, but because we truly believe it. So when you make the call, expect a friendly voice on the other end to greet you. They will do their best to answer your questions and schedule you for the next available appointment that works for your schedule. We do our best to schedule your appointment within 24-48 hours of your original call.

When you do come into the office for your appointment one of our staff will greet you and probably offer you something to drink. You should plan for about an hour and a half for your appointment. We believe in taking the time to get to know you a bit, so we won’t be rushing to get to the next appointment. We want to have time to talk and make sure we have answered all your questions.

Expect Easy

Sure there will be a little paperwork to fill out when you arrive. Since we offer all of our service at no charge to our clients, we don’t need to deal with insurance, so the paperwork process is a little less complicated than you might expect. That paperwork will help us serve you more effectively and will also make sure you understand our privacy and confidentiality policies. Once the 10-15 minutes of paperwork are completed we’ll get you right into your appointment.

After meeting with one of our team members and talking about why you are visiting PRC we’ll perform any tests you may need. With our pregnancy tests, we’ll have your results right away and will be able to discuss all your options. If you’re pregnant we can schedule you for a follow up ultrasound to confirm the viability of the pregnancy. If you’re here for STI testing, those samples will need to be sent away for verification. Typically there is a 5-7 day turnaround time for those and we’ll schedule a follow up appointment for you to come back for those results and any treatment you might need. Currently we are testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, but in Jan 2015 we are expanding our testing and treatment services.

Expect Honest

At PRC, we believe honesty is the best policy. We will give you straightforward information and honest feedback about your current circumstances. We’re committed to sharing accurate information about all options when it comes to pregnancy and STI prevention and treatment.

At PRC, our team is committed to serving you. We would love to welcome you into our offices, talk about your circumstances and help you in whatever way we can. We promise to make what can be an awkward situation as comfortable as possible. If you ever have any questions, please give us a call and let us know how we can help.

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Category: Clinic, Pregnancy, STD

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