RSSCategory: Pregnancy

Self-Managed Abortion: What You Need to Know

Self-Managed Abortion: What You Need to Know


Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911 or visit the nearest Emergency Room. Self-Managed Abortion: Self-managed abortion, or at-home abortion, refers to abortions that are manged without clinical supervision. Without appropriate clinical care, these abortions can be dangerous […]

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Managing COVID-19 & Pregnancy

Managing COVID-19 & Pregnancy


COVID-19 has left many in a state of confusion and worry. When dealing with a pregnancy in the middle of this pandemic, a lot of questions can arise. A mother’s first concern becomes the health of her pregnancy or newborn. While we wish to provide answers to all of your questions, it’s unfortunately too soon […]

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Am I Really Pregnant? Do I Need An Ultrasound?

Am I Really Pregnant? Do I Need An Ultrasound?


Positive. Again. It’s still positive. Why is it still positive? This wasn’t the plan. How did this happen? How can I be PREGNANT? So Many Questions When you get a positive result when you weren’t planning to get pregnant, the questions just keep coming. How will I tell him? How will I tell my parents? What will […]

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Ectopic Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Ectopic Pregnancy: What You Need To Know


Ectopic pregnancies are relatively rare here in the US, occurring in less then 2% of all pregnancies. But, because it is a serious medical condition that can be life threatening and requires immediate attention, it is something which all women should be made aware. What is an Ectopic Pregnancy? The simple answer is that it […]

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My Friend is Pregnant, How Can I Help Her?

My Friend is Pregnant, How Can I Help Her?


My Friend is Pregnant As you’re sitting in a busy coffee shop talking about your day, out of nowhere your friend whispers, “I’m pregnant.” Luckily, you weren’t mid sip. Your mouth drops, and you’re not sure whether to be excited or scared to death for your friend. Maybe you’re not sure what to say, so […]

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What Should I Expect On My First Visit to PRC?

What Should I Expect On My First Visit to PRC?


You recently had sex and you’re concerned. Maybe you’re experiencing some early warning signs that you might be pregnant. Maybe you’ve even missed your period. Or, after sex you’ve developed an itch and think you may have caught something. Maybe your partner tested positive for Chlamydia and you’re concerned you might have it too. Whatever […]

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Can I Be A Student And Have A Baby?

Can I Be A Student And Have A Baby?


Positive. Emily looked in disbelief. She teared up and whispered the question “How can I be a student and have a baby?” Emily was a first semester freshman at Penn State, the first from her family to attend college. She was on a partial scholarship, but was also working part time to cover the costs […]

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I’m 17 and My Girlfriend is Pregnant. What Should I Do?

I’m 17 and My Girlfriend is Pregnant. What Should I Do?


Dear PRC, I’m 17, going to be a senior and I just found out my girlfriend thinks she’s pregnant. She hasn’t taken a test yet but she’s late for her period and is planning to take a test this week. I’m not sure what to do if she’s pregnant. Can you help me? -Not Ready […]

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10 Signs You Might Be Pregnant

10 Signs You Might Be Pregnant


While a pregnancy test and/or ultrasound is the only foolproof way to know for sure if you’re pregnant, there are some common symptoms that, when combined, can be a pretty good indicator that you are in the early stages of pregnancy. Every woman is different and many of the symptoms are similar to the feeling […]

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Five Tips On How To Tell Your Parents You’re Pregnant

Five Tips On How To Tell Your Parents You’re Pregnant


The test was positive. Pregnant. The ultrasound at PRC confirmed it. Now the thoughts and questions are swirling around in your head. Questions like, “What am I going to do?” and “How am I going to tell my parents I’m pregnant?” It’s easy to freak out a bit, but before you make any decisions, before […]

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